
platitude scrabble

Bit of a mind-f**k but fun - attempting to create installation art out of boxes, words and space. Now if only we could get the boxes to fly, it would open up so many possibilities...

For me, one of the interesting things about this process has been the balance between the "dance" and performance aspects and the other more installation elements. Trying to negotiate between these and attempt to find some sort of throughline. Also, the difficulty in bridging very different body-mind states - going from an embodied state to a very motor oriented moment of making something (video etc) happen. In the immortal words of Trish Beatty, it's like "trying to thread a needle on a mountain top".

I have to admit to some anxiety these days about the show - I think that's probably all good and natural that I'm feeling like, ohmygodhowtheheckisthisallgonnawork... so I'm trying to trust that what will be will be. Funny how I rarely feel this way about our more "improvisational" works. This piece has so much complexity (both technical and content-wise) and also so much of us personally invested in it.

Glad that Uta will see the whole thing today.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

thanks for posting this A,... such an interesting time - it's a lot like writing a paper and throwing out whole pages, then working in the linkages between paragraphs. Again i think how cool it is that we built in this time - of course it still doesn't feel like enough - but i think this is probably the first time i've been able to work a piece in this way.


another "long" weekend awaits...

10:11 p.m.  

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