
the trying to talk show

2 down, 1 to go...

opening night was a blast. A few unintentionally comedic moments (wardrobe malfunction, anyone?) but a lovely appreciative crowd and an energetic performance. 2nd night was a bit 2nd nightish - lower energy and a few problems, mostly to do with my vocal cords... gak. They are about to blow. But overall both shows were great.

Just finding it extremely ironic that I should be losing my voice during a piece called Talk Show. There's some sort of devilish humour in this. I'm drinking copious amounts of hot water with lemon and honey and trying to stay quiet. It's actually interesting - I lose my voice fairly easily (bad throat!) and it always reminds me of how much we say that we don't need to. Once you start to edit down to the essentials, there isn't that much that absolutely has to be communicated. The rest is icing...

Last show tonight. Rest, recuperate, revive...


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