
dance, text & theatre

interview on Stan Won't Dance's web-site about text and dance, dance/theatre, vision...etc.

"... positive response to their debut has backed up the pair's belief that there's a market for work that's both powerful and accessible, but it's proved a tougher challenge than either realised."

"...We wanted to deal with something that dance doesn't deal with anymore. Dealing with real stories in a way that people relate to...."

"....it's difficult to combine text and movement, for one thing it uses the same side of the brain. It's a real technical challenge.’


get used to it

couple of links here - use + acceptance = "new normals" ...and other slippery slopes....
Urban Dictionary
Word Count
Collins Living Dictionary



Another thing is of course the press release ...while i totally admire the ability to write a really good one, there are some egregious examples out there....um, particularly in the arts world.

As Orwell put it, there are some "mental vices" the English language falls prey to. 50 years on, it seems only to be more treacherous territory.

Might be interesting to explore physical interpretations of the "verbal false limb", "pretentious diction" and "dying metaphors"....


Talking hockey

what is talk show? it's a (gulp)-like look at how folks communicate - the visible public stuff, and the internal, unspoken and yet equally important stuff - more anon on the project as a whole

one of the things we are working with is different forms that are used by different practices: the post-show chat, the hockey interview, the media scrum, the talk show, the political debate... the protocols around language and demeanour and what lies behind

hockey interviews I find really fascinating in the juxtaposition of an incredibly violent, passionate and competitive sport and the way players talk about it - the monotone, vague descriptions and the detachment from the energy and emotion they show on the ice...