
50 people see...

a flickr stream by "brevity" - averaging photos from 50 flickr users...
very cool.

i like the blend of individuality and social commons. Sort of a shared private/public.


low filter days

it's nice to find out that everyone has them


two of our favourite subjects in one rant

dance funding and bad pr!!!
thanks Article 19!


meridian stretching

close replicant of the stretching series we've been doing as warmup/centering exercise for rehearsals...just thought it would be fun to post here.


i'm going to spend more time with the family

apparently this phrase is used in the press twice a day ...


video pitfalls 101

One of the things we've been discussing is how to avoid the big ol'screen smack dab in da middle of de stage. Where the video is totally extraneous most of the time and when it's not playing you have this ugly white square dominating everything.

Saw a piece tonight by Sylvain Emard called Temps de chien (you can watch a video excerpt and see some great dancing) that had some beautiful solutions. The screen was a piece of steel on wheels that could be easily moved forwards and backwards, creating angles and dimensions. It served to reflect the light sometimes and the dancers other times or as a projection space for video - not video of dancing but actual abstract video art. Quite beautiful. The dancing went on a bit (lovely but after a while, it's like Mozart, too many steps for me) but the staging, lighting and video were masterful. It made for a show. A real, all encompassing show.



Very short post - more anon...

We showed a few excerpts from TALK SHOW last night at the Dance Network's Stepping Stones. Fair number of people came despite the heat and the fact that it was Sunday night.

Comments and reflections
- the Capital I/eye piece had the most reactions, not surprisingly but rather surprisingly (for me anyway) the interpretation of the relationship between me and the eye was different. People felt I was avoiding it, not being subjected to it. That's the thing when neither of us can actually see the work, we can't actually read the full image.
- comedy - well, we can certainly make people laugh. The Jay Leno/Brad Pitt piece was appreciated - Ken noted that our movement choices became more and more habitual as we had more difficulties with the text.
- comedy again. Alain felt like there was also a lot of comedy in the manipulation score (E has her eyes shut and I'm moving her about the space - she gradually takes on more autonomy with her eyes still shut - becomes small power struggle). Also others noted that the power dynamics weren't cut and dried, that the agreement of joining the game gives E equal power.

ok - more later...


subtlety floats

today i attended the subtle technologies conference in Toronto. Lots of thought provoking stuff - not necessarily all applicable to this project so maybe i'll go post some on (burp)...ahem. or maybe just float them here. Some of it had neat implications for collaborations and interdisciplinarity, even if the themes of architecture and biotech were at times a little too far out of my sphere. Sub-theme of "self-organizing" principles and understanding order in complexity resonated with the group improv stuff we did at FIP too.

some floating thoughts...or points

* flow drives organization
* tissue is structured through a cell's sense of spatial distribution
* environment drives both function and disfunction; architecture dictates and drives behaviour
* we tend not to be creative in rapidly changing environments because we are caught up in our a priori assumptions about the way things are - this stops us from really making use of the unique properties of newer technologies because we haven't shifted our normative frames and standards based on old technologies. While our culture celebrates the new we usually end up subordinating it to the old.
* having to move across many topics means you work more in information than in knowledge...
* "enactive knowledge" - from developmental psychology is how we learn through body movement (kinaesthetic knowledge) actively coupled with surroundings
* when we think about technology and culture, where is public art?
* in interactive art the public is not only audience, they are also the medium
* how do you structure participation? is it empowering or hindering engagement?
* interactive art in digital space tends to privelege anonymity or creation of alter egos, whereas interactive art in physical surroundings makes things more "personal" and make the individual more identifiable. so how do these 2 work together?
* how do you get people to think big?
* at the molecular level the boundaries between the natural and the synthetic are extremely permeable.
* 3 ages of science: 1) problems of simplicity (Newton: action, reaction); 2) problems of disorganized complexity (Brownian motion); 3) problems of organized complexity (Fibonacci spirals, fractals etc.)

Something i can't articulate about collaboration was the repetition of biochemists saying things like "of course architects understand this" and vice versa. It's like the dissolution of the barriers between what we think of as material and organic are dissolving the more people are using simulation models and can see far into the structures of cells etc.

like i said, not sure what this has to do with this specific piece, but maybe if we float it a bit....