

With the premiere over with and some recovering (and xmas goodies) under our belts, i was thinking it time to post reflections from the whole shebang.

The Dance Current has posted a review .

Thanks to the DC for continuously putting them out there.

Some fun reading from Eye magazine on art speak, because well, now there's time to read again!

Photos to follow....


the trying to talk show

2 down, 1 to go...

opening night was a blast. A few unintentionally comedic moments (wardrobe malfunction, anyone?) but a lovely appreciative crowd and an energetic performance. 2nd night was a bit 2nd nightish - lower energy and a few problems, mostly to do with my vocal cords... gak. They are about to blow. But overall both shows were great.

Just finding it extremely ironic that I should be losing my voice during a piece called Talk Show. There's some sort of devilish humour in this. I'm drinking copious amounts of hot water with lemon and honey and trying to stay quiet. It's actually interesting - I lose my voice fairly easily (bad throat!) and it always reminds me of how much we say that we don't need to. Once you start to edit down to the essentials, there isn't that much that absolutely has to be communicated. The rest is icing...

Last show tonight. Rest, recuperate, revive...


world premiere

it seems we should be spinning some hyperbole today...but most of all i just want to enjoy it
for tonight we seem to have answered the question about where to put the television ;-)



Long day... but all went pretty well. The techs seemed to think it was pretty fun and they are the toughest audience so that's good.

We have THE MOST FABULOUS costumes. Unfreakinbelievable. No, we're not posting photos of them - you have to come see the show if you want to view the splendor...

Body and head hurt. Hope I can shake the cold by tomorrow. Oh, well, if not, that's what the wonderful world of drugs is for.

the most fun you can have online


open the envelope and ready your speech, try not to gloat if you win and look gracious if you lost

as we go into our last few days before the show, and as it is, after all the season of giving thanks, that's what I'd like to do

thanks to our coaches for helping us find ways through ideas and possibilities:
Peter Ryan, Lisa Twardowska, Naomi Sparrow

thanks to the technical help of many:
Tasha Waldron, Shainna LaViolette, SAW, Artengine, Arts Court, Zan Chandler - oh, and the insurance lady and our accountant!

thanks to our funders:
the Ontario Arts Council, the City of Ottawa, the Community Foundation of Ottawa (extra big thanks to Peter and the Council for the Arts in Ottawa for helping us secure the CFO money), James Missen's liberation 30 fund

thanks to our board for signing on and seeing us through

thanks to our friends and families for putting up with this year's obsession... at least we haven't made you do nearly as much work this year as in previous ones!!

thanks especially to our artistic collaborators Uta Riccius and Katherine Gillieson for making helping us make art out of a bunch of ideas

and, because i'm writing this, I get to say thanks to Elizabeth for, well, everything

(cue the music and bring the blond model out to escort me off the stage...)


what's in a name?

Doing the media interviews (et en français!) we sometimes get asked, rather understably, about our name. There's a piece brewing out of google alerts...but a little search this morning pulled up one, which i just found plain funny. The expression our moniker reflects seems to come from articles about - you guessed it - politics, sports and entertainment!


private in public

Things coming together ... some new ideas, new twists, more clarity. Hash & rehash.
Two neat online versions of mediating the private in the public:
popularity dialer

The private in public. Seems like a pretty big divide. But we breach it all the time, just at different angles.