platitude scrabble
Bit of a mind-f**k but fun - attempting to create installation art out of boxes, words and space. Now if only we could get the boxes to fly, it would open up so many possibilities...
For me, one of the interesting things about this process has been the balance between the "dance" and performance aspects and the other more installation elements. Trying to negotiate between these and attempt to find some sort of throughline. Also, the difficulty in bridging very different body-mind states - going from an embodied state to a very motor oriented moment of making something (video etc) happen. In the immortal words of Trish Beatty, it's like "trying to thread a needle on a mountain top".
I have to admit to some anxiety these days about the show - I think that's probably all good and natural that I'm feeling like, ohmygodhowtheheckisthisallgonnawork... so I'm trying to trust that what will be will be. Funny how I rarely feel this way about our more "improvisational" works. This piece has so much complexity (both technical and content-wise) and also so much of us personally invested in it.
Glad that Uta will see the whole thing today.
For me, one of the interesting things about this process has been the balance between the "dance" and performance aspects and the other more installation elements. Trying to negotiate between these and attempt to find some sort of throughline. Also, the difficulty in bridging very different body-mind states - going from an embodied state to a very motor oriented moment of making something (video etc) happen. In the immortal words of Trish Beatty, it's like "trying to thread a needle on a mountain top".
I have to admit to some anxiety these days about the show - I think that's probably all good and natural that I'm feeling like, ohmygodhowtheheckisthisallgonnawork... so I'm trying to trust that what will be will be. Funny how I rarely feel this way about our more "improvisational" works. This piece has so much complexity (both technical and content-wise) and also so much of us personally invested in it.
Glad that Uta will see the whole thing today.
I'm more excited about this expression making the lexicon than i probably should be. But, with the schedule we now have, it will do us well to keep the sense of humour intact. That would be our "pleasantly offbeat" sense of humour ;-)
another cold and rainy morning (you'd swear we're in London, K!)
day 3 of intensive creation/polishing, and i just want to put up a little message, something about finding how to "get out of the way" while still figuring out where we're going.... and falling back on trusting the fact that if nothing else, we're easily bored, and wouldn't possibly invest this crazy amount if it didn't matter somehow. Trusting that the work has now "emerged" and making the shift to give over to what is. Trusting ourselves to stop going in and start putting it out there. Trusting ourselves to pull it off... which wouldn't be scary if it wasn't a risk.
i'm glad i walk past a couple of bridgeheads...serious caffeination will help the warmup.
loading the gear....
day 3 of intensive creation/polishing, and i just want to put up a little message, something about finding how to "get out of the way" while still figuring out where we're going.... and falling back on trusting the fact that if nothing else, we're easily bored, and wouldn't possibly invest this crazy amount if it didn't matter somehow. Trusting that the work has now "emerged" and making the shift to give over to what is. Trusting ourselves to stop going in and start putting it out there. Trusting ourselves to pull it off... which wouldn't be scary if it wasn't a risk.
i'm glad i walk past a couple of bridgeheads...serious caffeination will help the warmup.
loading the gear....
just a reminder
So... we have a show coming up -
Dec 12, 13, 14 - 8pm
Arts Court Theatre, 2 Daly Ave
in Ottawa
lots and lots to do but it's all good
Dec 12, 13, 14 - 8pm
Arts Court Theatre, 2 Daly Ave
in Ottawa
lots and lots to do but it's all good
running through
Oof! We did our first run through yesterday... sketchy, full of holes and connections that still need fleshing out but it's there. A piece.
Hopefully funny, definitely weird.
A bit of reading for a snowy sunday morning
Hopefully funny, definitely weird.
A bit of reading for a snowy sunday morning